Apple Bottom Jeans
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Boots with the fur,
(With the fur)
The whole club was looking at her
Shorty got low low low low low low low :D

Step Up 2 = Mucho love. <3

Rob Hoffman is one sexy man (remember him rachie? in you got served? tall, blonde, hot, um tall? :p) and the dancing was so sick - Rachel, Katelin, Jessi and I started "break dancing" in the rain (wonderfully coincidental - watch the last scene and you'll know) and we.......................failed.

oh well.

So there was a forensics competition at Hendrickson on Saturday, and I pwned! :D
Well..not pwned but good enough to win. ;p


I GOT A 32 on my ACT!


That score's like insane for a first time/first standardized test ever!


This week's going to be mucho mucho swell. I end the week heading to College Station for another forensics competition (an overnighter at that) AND HOSA Bowl's overnight competition is next week :D Plus, there was a guitar hero tournament held at the school courtesy of the *Cough*cough* forensics team :D

So I played a little guitar hero,

And now I'm addicted =_="

{ 7:20 PM }

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I want some damn ang paos :D

{ 10:53 PM }

Movie Marathon :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Woo-hoo! Staff workdays are so much fun, you get to rot at home whilst teachers loathe in their self-misery by attending endless meetings :) Win-win situation indeed.

So, since it was a 5 day weekend, I decided to be all "movie buff" and watch an endless supply of movies :)

Movies that Natasha managed to squeeze in from Friday uptil now (Tuesday):


Urban Legend
- Holy Fucking Hell, this movie got me shit scared for the rest of the week (and probably my life). I now check the back of any car I'm in every time (just in case there's a man with a double-sided axe pointing upwards) and awkwardly plop down to the ground right before I get into the car to check for the possibility of a grown manic killer hiding under the car scheming to cut off my achilles tendons =_="


Over Her Dead Body
- Eh, so-so cutesy chick flick. Although, Lake Bell's got a pretty insane bod and Jason Biggs is way too cute to be stuck with supporting male roles. His ear piercing is pretty sweet too :D

Away From Her
- the tears just started to fall right after the first scene, I swear to God, I practically had a migraine by the end of the show and yet I still have yet to come to a final verdict regarding how much I did/didn't like it. Whatever it is, if ever I get altzheimers, I want my husband to be like Julie Christie's husband in the flick - minus the infidelity of course :)


Rocket Science
- This movie totally pwns Napoleon Dynamite anyday and Reece Thompson is one smooth talker :p Oh btw, girls, do yourselves a favour and google him - o.m.f.g. is he a dish :) Oh oh! Having watched this movie, I now feel the urge to get piss drunk and fling a cello through somebody's window. Ah teenage angst =)

- Out of all the movies I watched this weekend, this one is my absolute favourite. I love the soundtrack, I love Clive Owen, I love Natalie Portman and I love the story line so much. I just..definitely automatic favourite in my books, I think I shall actually purchase the DVD for full price (I'm very stingy when it comes to putting out dough for DVDs, CDs, music you name it)


Love Actually
- Jenny and I continued our movie marathon that carried over from Sunday with Love Actually, which has totally become my absolute favourite movie (in the romantic comedy category that is). Again, I stress the little boy's story in this - I WANT A BOY TO RUN THROUGH AIRPORT SECURITY TO PROFESS HIS LOVE FOR ME!!!!!!!!! Understand? Good :)

The Eye
- HAH! I don't owe you anything Denise :) It got a 6 out of 10 rating on imdb so nyah! But holy crap, on the way home from the cinema as we were driving, lights kept on flickering on and off and some just permanently went out - holy shit were we panicking like crazy. Oh, btw, so before we got into the movie hall, jenny and I decided to spring for refreshments and we were 25 cents short; however, I managed to scrounge up the remaining coins from my "magical pocket" and saved the day. Seeing as I was entirely proud of myself and my pocket, I slapped the side of my ass which the pocket pressed against. For some reason though, I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and low and behold (!), there were two cute guys giving me the "wtf?!" look. Way to go Tash. Way. To. Go. o.O

Seeing as it's just 5 in the evening and I'm still off tomorrow, I'm prolly going to go watch In the Land of Women now :D

Peace :)

note: I use way too many smileys, and I don't care :p

{ 4:41 PM }

Music Playlist at

visit counter


Rachie Gus Richard Shivani Jack Alex Shoby Sheela Philip Pui Ee Denise C. Dila Pamela Fatin Emily Thriguna Adli Laura Wan Kimm Sasha Dan Su Jean Wing Yann Catherine Jolyn Jilly Jun Hsein Marvy Sandhya Libby Ily J. Siao Rachel H. Triffany Shaaira Margaret Denise Suria Adrienne

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