the lyricist that is my mom
Saturday, February 17, 2007
So I'm watching Grease: You're the one that I want (Chad's really cute) and Kevin's (who is also rather cute) singing Burnin' Love.
Mom: why is he singing I'm a hooker hooker buying love?
Tasha: What?
Mom: and the fact that he's a boy? Shame on him.
Tasha: Um, it's hunka hunka burnin love
Mom: now how does that make sense?
{ 10:59 PM }
Friday, February 16, 2007
I'm a
hopeful romantic.
I'm in
dire need of chocolate.
Valentine's day just ended, and another year of singleton has just begun.
Pretty much enough said no? Just another screw up to add to the list. WON -DER Frickin FUL!
{ 9:51 PM }
The fine line between obsession and romance
Monday, February 5, 2007
Scenario: You meet a guy for the first time. He constantly stares at you and obviously can't get enough of what he's staring at. All of a sudden, he pops up wherever you are. He starts asking you out and a "no" won't suffice. Freaky? Well ordinarily, yes that would seem a tad bit scary but mask it up in a movie with a really cute guy playing the lead and it's turned into every girl's fantasy.
I'm sure most of you have watched
The Notebook. (yes, yes...we all now want our own Ryan Gosling but we can't have him because Rachel McAdams is a bitch and makes out with him whenever convenient) And I am
100% sure that most girls would kill to have Noah run after us, but if you really think about it, Noah was a
stalker. In fact, a really creepy one. I mean, think about it. It seemed pretty romantic when Noah climbed the ferris wheel to score a date but picture it in real life. We'd be suing the guy for sexual harassment or something like that! And yet, here we are, wishing that our admirers would do such a thing for us claiming it's "romantic".
So let me ask you this: how thin is the line between obsession and romance? We girls considered
The Notebook to be the ultimate romantic movie and yet all it really was was stalking/obsession with a little sex here and there. So should we really complain about stalkers and boys only wanting one thing? Because it seems to me that most girls want exactly that especially after hearing them gush about the movie.
Am I wrong?
{ 7:14 PM } hurts
Friday, February 2, 2007
and I mean literally. So me and food, we're tight. I mean real tight; but unfortunately, it's more of a love-hate relationship we've got going on. I hate the fact that the fatty deposits in a tub of ice-cream will destroy my 'figure' but at the same time, the taste of it is so good, that I feel like telling my miniscule voice within me to shut the fuck up and let me devour the sweet sensation that is the Haagen Daaz icecream. Yum.
So anyway, since I've got like my homecoming in about 113 days, I've realized that I've got to like lose
10 pounds in order for me to compensate for the food i'm going to shove down my throat when I get back.
STRETCHthat's going to be the ritual i'm going to have for the next
3 and a half months. *ugh*
So I started exercising in school, weights, the works. I'm lifting tons of pounds and i'm feeling good about myself and then BAM! next day, my calf muscle feels so SORE. And it's especially weird because it's just one calf muscle. The left one, the weakling so to speak.
See food..I love you so much. So much to the point that I actually kill my leg muscles for you.
Why do thou hurth me so? (my attempt at Shakesperean English fails miserably but I wanted to be dramatic so bear with me ;p){ 9:08 PM }