'Tis Snowing and I'm...nostalgic?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It's snowing - Hell must've froze over. Twice. I'm supposed to be quite elated actually, this is after all my favourite type of weather, but I can't help but feel slightly depressed and overall, rather nostalgic as I'm sitting here, in my living room, watching the wintry mix fall gently settling on cars' hoods and 'bleaching' the normally yellowish grass that I've grown accustomed to since I've moved here about 5 months ago.It could also very well be the song that's playing right now. As I've mentioned in my previous post, I get very emotional when I listen to music or watch movies - and now, I've succumb to the wrath of the melodic piano of Roses and Butterflies causing my tear ducts to be positively sensitive.
But maybe it's due to the fact that I'm not looking forward to going to school tomorrow. I'm praying for another miracle school district closing but the future as of now, looks quite dim. I've got an abundance of homework which seems to just send me into a procrasinating state of mind whenever I look at it and the worst thing is, it's due tomorrow. It's probably just wishful thinking - me hoping that tomorrow will be another chance to pick my lazy ass self and start making things happen.
HAH! I laugh at myself.
Unless, the snow's gonna pick up its pace, there's no way I'm gonna be able to watch the Australian Open tomorrow morning from the comfort of my bed. Damn.
Oh, funny story, (not really, but since I'm in a nostalgic mood...everything seems funny when I think about the past) last year was the first time I'd ever seen snow. When it came down hard, I remember screaming out in the middle of my drama class, "HOLY CRAP IT'S SNOWING!" ( I was literally seated in the middle of the diminishing class - diminishing because 15 people signed up in the first semester, but in the middle of it, we were left with about 9 or 10) I guess he'd never exactly seen a person react to snow like that, so he allowed me to head out and start twirling, enjoying myself like the little girl that I really am inside.
I felt so...so...liberated. To be free from the mental walls I had built up just felt so lifting. Almost as lifting as the time I cried at the SEA Forensics when I'd realized that I didn't make finals (technical mistake at the time)- hey! give a girl a break. I was living off on so little sleep with coke for about 2 days, the least I could do was cry ;p.
Oh crap. The snow's stopped. If I'm gonna need a miracle, I require it show up in about 7 hours.
Failing Actress